Creative Individuals Who See No Boundaries.

Name – Aaron Brimhall @aaronbhall

Where you from? – Salt Lake City, Utah

Current Employment – Photography

What do you shoot with – Canon 1DX Mark III & Fuji GFX100


What inspires your personal photography style?

Seeing what other creatives are doing. I like to think that I think outside the box a little. Getting creative and pushing limits on your own style is fun. It’s all about trial and error. Getting together with friends and talking about concepts that become reality and I think that it’s pretty special.

What are some of the defining moments in your career so far?

It’s hard to say. I’ve worked with a lot of amazing teams and people. I have a close group of talented friends I get to work with everyday and that makes my career so amazing at the moment.

Who would your dream collaboration be with?

Would be a dream come true to work with Porsche on a global campaign. I hope this counts as a “Who” because it would be such an amazing and surreal experience for me as a photographer who admires their cars and designs so much.

What other Artists are you currently following?

Another one that is crazy hard to answer. I get so much inspiration from everyone now.

What is your favourite location in your hometown to shoot?

My backyard is sick. Big mountain terrain with endless land to go ride moto and snowboard and do whatever you want to do basically.

Favourite recent shoot?

I just did the Team Galag Snow Tour from Sweden to Norway. It was pretty amazing. Wasn’t a photoshoot or anything. Basically a bunch of friends from all over the world got together and rallied cars for 8 days in the snow. I did take my camera out for a little. Even thought I told myself I wouldn’t.


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Any new collaborations?

Honestly this new REC stuff that I’m doing with you guys is going to be really fun. I also am doing a cool snowboard web series that a homie and I are doing. Been wanting to do this since I was a kid and now that I have the resources to do so it’s going to be all time.

In addition to taking epic photos what else keeps you busy?

I was looking at the last answer to this question from 2017 and was laughing. It was basically do whatever I want and be lazy. But I now have two twin girls and that’s what keeps me busy now. It’s the best thing thats happened to me.

What’s a current staple in your wardrobe?

Literally anything Tech pant and or Box tee related. Best wardrobe hands down. This isn’t to kiss your guys’ ass I just love this stuff so much.

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Aaron Brimhall

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